Creating One Bowl Meals

October 15, 2020
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One meal bowls. They are a versatile and efficient way to prepare delicious and healthy meals. Eating the basic five ingredients provides micronutrients, fiber and satiety all of which are a necessity for any diet. Prepping a variety of ingredients over a weekend provides ease and minimal effort in creating weekday meals often alleviating the stressors of daily meal planning. Tobie Hall, a holistic health coach, gives our readers some tips on getting creative with making these bowls at home. 


  • Whole grains: quinoa, farro, brown rice, buckwheat or rice noodles
  • Whole food: avocado, broccoli sprouts, roasted sweet potatoes, cauliflower
  • Beans: mung beans, black beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans
  • Greens: spinach, kale, leafy greens, arugulaSauce: lemon juice, tamari, tahini, sriracha

Simply choose any combination of the above list and viola you have successfully created a tasty bowl. There are an infinite number of ingredients to be used for any lifestyle. Combining beans with a grain helps to make a complete protein base for any bowl and adding greens either sautéed or fresh gives an added vitamin boost. Add, eliminate, play, create. The sky’s the limit, make it yours.

Tobie Hall is owner of Up With The Sun Wellness offering holistic health coaching to clients seeking to make a change in their wellness journey. She believes nutrition that follows organic whole foods, creating change in their lifestyle that makes room for growth will help with decreasing heart disease risk, inflammation, and disease ultimately increasing happiness.