Tell Me What You Eat and I’ll Tell You Where You Are From

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Tell Me What You Eat And I'll Tell You Where Your From
Image Credit: Narmeen Taw, Creative Commons

Experience foods and flavors from Yemen, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Palestine and more while meeting the people who have prepared those foods. Learn about each other while exploring how what we eat is tightly bound to our identity.

In the documentary High on the Hog, Yoruba artist Romuald Hazoumè repeats a local saying to Stephen Satterfield, telling him, “We say ‘Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you where you are from.” This sentiment points directly toward this truth: Food and identity are inextricably linked. You can, by learning what people eat and why, identify not only where they are from, but where they’ve been on their way to where they are now.

This highly participatory and conversation-driven event invites the community to recognize the ways in which, here in the U.S., we very often separate food and flavors from the people and cultures from which they originate. In denying these roots, we are missing out on so very much. We hope folks will make space for the whole story that foods can tell.

Limited free food provided with additional food and beverages for purchase. This event is highly interactive! Willingness to talk and engage with new friends is important.

A partnership between The Church Within and MOTW Coffee & Pastries.

This event is part of the 27th annual Spirit & Place Festival. For more festival information, please visit:

Date: November 05, 2022 6:30 PM-8:30 PM

Location: MOTW Coffee & Pastries | 4873 W. 38th St., Indianapolis, IN 46254


Walk-ins are welcome but registering by October 28 helps with planning for enough food.

Please register at the link below:

Event website:

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4873 W. 38th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46254