In this age of cattle feedlots and poultry buildings that produce meat by the millions of pounds, buying proteins for personal use has become a ponderous proposition. One way to help ensure the meat you eat is clean and responsibly raised is to get to know someone with a huge knife. No, not Crocodile Dundee. We mean for you to get out of the grocery store and get to know a local butcher here in Indianapolis and Central Indiana. Our local butchers are people who care about what you eat and work tirelessly to bring fresh, local, sustainable and responsibly raised proteins (and a lot of other fantastic foods!) to the neighborhood. But where does one go to find a knife-wielding meat-mentor? Never fear... EdibleIndy is here to help. We've compiled a short list of some of the best butchers and meat shops in and around Indy. Now get an ice-pack and your cooler and go meet your new meaty friends.