Classic Vegetable Stock

When making stock, try to select vegetables with savory, neutral flavors and avoid anything too starchy or color-altering, such as potatoes, turnips and beets. I like carrots, celery, mushrooms, bay leaves, onions and other alliums here. I also recommend keeping your seasoning to a minimum, and saving your salt, garlic and other stronger fl avorings for the recipes with which you will ultimately use your stocks. This prevents things from becoming overly seasoned in the end.

By / Photography By | March 14, 2019


Don’t peel the vegetables, just wash and roughly chop them.

Put the veggies in a pot large enough to hold them easily, allowing a few extra inches for water to cover.

Cover with water and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Once the pot is fully simmering, reduce the heat to medium-low.

Gently simmer for about 1 hour, give or take, stirring occasionally.

Strain through a fi ne sieve lined with cheesecloth, cool completely and store in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. You can also store in the freezer for up to 3 months.