Adding $10 to Local Businesses Changes the Outlook

July 07, 2020
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The demand for local affordable, fresh and healthy foods has grown during the covid-19 pandemic … but is this current trend the whole iceberg or just the tip? The 2020 World Population Review shows that Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio have 8,936,574 households. Imagine for a moment what growing impact we could have this year: What if every household in the three states was able to either start to spend or increase spending on regionally grown products by just $10 per week for the next 16 weeks, taking us through the heart of the harvest season? Apply this thinking to any or all food distribution channels : farmers’ markets, CSAs, grocery stores, home delivery services, restaurants.

The impact on our farmers and local food businesses would be tremendous:

8,936,574 households × $10 × 16 weeks = $1,429,851,840!

It bears repeating: The impact on our farmers and local food businesses would be tremendous — with an added multiplier effect — benefiting our economy, taste buds, health and more.

Think about it.

x $10
x 16

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead, anthropologist